Wednesday, March 12, 2008

2016 Olympic Games

The Olympics is always a great attraction especially if it is held in your own city. If Chicago is chosen to be host of the 2016 summer Olympic games, the city will attract many more newcomers and it will also prove Chicago to be one of the greatest cities in the nation. I welcome the idea of bringing the 2016 summer Olympics to Chicago for many reasons. The main reason is that Chicago already has much experience with hosting historic and major world gatherings. The 1959 Pan American Games and the 1995 FIFA World Cup soccer tournaments were two big successful events that put Chicago on the map for its strong accommodations. Chicago is so large that it has over 30,000 hotel rooms in the downtown area alone and has one of the largest skilled labor workforces that are very beneficial for catering to conventions and other large events. Not only does Chicago have experience and strong accommodations, but the city also has significant transportation infrastructure. This is important because the Chicago Transit Authority connects over 230 suburban destinations to the city of Chicago. CTA’s transportation allows public assess to the games for city residents and people from northeastern Illinois, north Indiana, and southern Wisconsin.

Although the idea of the Olympics being held in Chicago has more positives that outweigh the negatives, the city has negative elements to worry about just as Athen’s Greece did for the 2004 Olympic games. One big concern for Greece at the time was terrorist attacks. I believe they had a successful Olympic games because they are a small country with more control over sprawl. In comparison with Greece, I believe the terrorist concern will be a much more bigger problem for Chicago because we are the third largest city in the world and we consistently have new people visiting and even residing within the city.

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